I have actually created a brand new blog which will detail my progress following Lee's teachings here:
So far there are 5 new posts you can read for free:
Lee McIntyre - Coaching Blog Review (The Journey Begins)
Lee McIntyre - Point and Click Coaching (Too Much Video?)
Lee McIntyre - Coaching Program (Locked Weeks)
Lee McIntyre - First Impressions Review
Why Buy Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching
Lee McIntyre Affiliates - Get Point and Click Coaching For Free
You can read the first post for that blog below:
I decided to write this free Point and Click Coaching Review to help people thinking about buying this coaching from Lee to decide if it's really something you should buy or not.
God knows that so many people online waste a whole lot of money trying to be a success, and never seem to achieve it.
So it is my quest to find an online coaching program that actually does deliver the goods and show you the money!
I can't even remember how I found out about Lee's Coaching, but it looked the part so I decided I would buy Point and Click Coaching and do a little test run, to see if what Lee teaches really can make ANYONE a success online.
There are too many marketers online who make money just by telling people how they can make money.
Now we all know the only money they are making is from these coaching programs, we are not stupid!
So, Lee's coaching must deliver or it won't be getting a big recommended thumbs up from me, I aim to reveal the TRUTH.
QUICK NOTE: I am not relying on any other resources that I currently have to help me achieve results faster ie. my mailing list etc. The reason I am doing this is to make sure I do not have an unfair advantage over anyone starting Lee's coaching from scratch.
This means everything I achieve, you will be able to achieve.
I am following everything Lee teaches to the letter, if I don't then how could I possibly say if buying Point and Click Coaching actually worked right?
Too many people just throw up reviews full of praise for a product in order to get you to buy, I am not like that, rest assured I will only recommend this product to you if I believe in my heart of hearts that it is worth every penny or cent.
So just to let you know where I am at, it's 3 weeks into the Lee's coaching and already I have learned a wealth of information.
One of the other reasons I wanted access to Lee's coaching (apart from test driving it to see if it works) was because as a bonus you get access to the real videos from his "Inside Out - Upside Down" Workshop.
I am going to be honest and say I didn't even know Lee had held a UK workshop.
But once I knew he had, I really did want to have a look at what he was teaching, it's good to be inquisitive and down right poke your nose in online, you will learn lots that way.
Now I suspected there would be a wealth of information on these video recordings, and I was right, after watching a few of the videos it looks like Lee really knows his stuff.
I would also think it's important to let you know that he is very honest too, he does not seem to be holding back on anything.
If you don't know what Lee looks like you can see him in the image below, he is revealing his 7 Rules of Momentum, these rules are like gold-dust, trust me.
After you have finished reading this blog post, feel free to click on the image and get a sneaky peek at the 7 rules completely free:

The above screen shot was taken from Lee's workshop, and when you access the coaching you actually get access to all of the information Lee shared over the 2 days.
One thing I will say, although maybe I shouldn't, is when you reach 14 days of membership with Lee's coaching, you actually get a surprise bonus, Lee calls it "Customer Appreciation Day" and it's really worth waiting for!
It's not often I get surprised by any content online anymore, but I was genuinely surprised by Lee's generosity on Day 14.
I could tell you what it is, but I won't!
Only because I want you to get the feeling I did when I got the Point and Click Coaching bonus.
So, as well as getting access to all the content for both days of the Upside Down Inside Out workshop, you get a sweet little bonus for free too, now that's over delivering if ever I seen it.
As I am typing out this blog post, I am working my way through week 3 of Point and Click Coaching, each week you get set little mini assignments.
I don't mind doing assignments, although I do feel like I am back at School, however I am quite capable of doing some short tasks each week to test out Lee's online money making teachings.
I guess that's the reason Lee has aptly named it "Point and Click Coaching" because that's exactly what you are getting.
Sometimes online marketers whiz through the stages and leave you to figure the steps out yourself which can be very frustrating, but Lee is actually showing you step by step so there is really no room for error, newbies can breathe a sigh of relief.
So that's a wrap up of the stage I am at so far.
I am pleased with everything I have received, I like Lee's style of teaching, and so far it looks like anyone could follow along, my own membership status will stay live, for now...
Now my evening will be spent working on my short assignment, then I will be off soaking up all the information from my "customer appreciation bonus".
It's a hard life, not :)
Please feel free to read the other posts on this review blog and watch my progression.
Remember I won't hold back, this is not some rose tinted view of buying Lee McIntyre's Point and Click Coaching, the gloves are off!
Stay tuned, Sally.
PS. I highly advise you watch Lee's 7 Rules of Momentum video, it's free and will be time well spent, trust me, just visit the link below:
Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching - 7 Rules of Momentum Access