Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching Free DVD

Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching Free DVD
Lee McIntyre Free Coaching DVD

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Build your mailing list Part 1

Building your Mailing List

So why do you want to build up a massive mailing list of subscribers who are all hungry for what you are selling? Exactly!

The bigger the list the bigger you will profit, its as simple as that.

I primarily sell ebooks, so I want to build a list of people interested in buying ebooks from me.

In order to build a huge list your going to have to do a little bit of work but it will be worth it in the end I guarantee you that.

I currently have three mailing lists, one on my website, one on eBay and one on my Autoresponder, so yes I have a big list but I'm not bragging, I'm going to help you get your own massive list!

First thing to do is go over to my site and get the free, YES FREE, autoresponder account, your going to need it to send all those lovely profit making emails.

Here is the link for the free autoresponder

free autoresponder

Ok, all signed up.

Now you are going to need to get subscribers, if you have any other mailing lists contact them and tell them you have a new newsletter and that you will be adding them to it. Explain that they will only be receiving special offers from you and that you will not sell or giveaway their email address or any other personal information.

I strongly urge you to never sell or giveaway your subscribers information, this breaks the trust between you and your subscribers and I personally think only the lowest of the low would ever do this.

Now next you will go to the autoresponder and manually add a subscriber, you will enter whichever information you desire, I normally add email, firstname and surname.

There you have your first subscriber!

Now another option in this autoresponder is generating html for a sign up form. Basically it designs a box for people to complete to sign up to your autoresponder.

You simply copy all the code and insert it on a page, voila an instant sign up form.

Put it on your website under the link SIGN UP, make the link enticing, ie.


Now everytime you sell something or email someone, you must put the sign up address under your name, so the bottom of your email will look something like this:

Sally Neill

Sign up for 30 free ebooks today

That is actually a real link, and 30 free ebooks for anyone who would like them.

Now each and every email you send will include your own details for signing up to your autoresponder and many people will sign up using this method.

Pop ups are considered by many to be annoying, but its only when the pop up contains information that they don't like or are not interested in that they get annoyed.

You can use your generated sign up box as a pop up on your website, or on a page where people download your ebooks, make the form as interesting as possible, give away something for free, this is a great incentive to get more sign ups.

If you need a pop-up creator then get one for free, YES FREE AGAIN, from here just click the link:

free pop up fly in add creator

Well I hope this has helped you a little in understanding how to build your mailing list, in Part 2 you will discover how to use eBay as a huge way of exploding your mailing list.

Sally Neill

1 comment:

helen said...

Hi Sally

I keep reading why i should set up a mailing and now this entry has sparked me to do it, i just cannot wait for part two now!!!!
