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Saturday, December 09, 2006

listings removed or suspended from ebay

I guess I had to make a post about this, having your listings removed from ebay or worst of the worst... being suspended from ebay.

I have been speaking to several high volume ebay ebook sellers lately, all saying the same, except a select few (hmmmm), that they are having their ebay items removed for breach of copyright or for illegal copies.

Well, what a lot of crap!

Ebay knows we all have resell rights, we check before we sell the ebooks yes?

Ofcourse we do.

We even put text in our listings saying words to the effect of...

I am an authorised reseller

I am the copyright owner

This ebook is in the public domain

I can provide proof of my authority to resell this item

This listing does not breach any downloadable media policy

etc etc ETC ETC ETCccccccccccccccc zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz snore!

Fact : Ebay dont care what you put in your listing

Fact: Ebay will pull your listing

Fact: Guilty until proven innocent

Fact: eBay will apologise, and re-instate your item

What can you do?

Well if you are the copyright owner you can contact vero and fax off your ebook details.

If you are a reseller you can forward a copy of your resell rights license to ebay or vero.

What you cant do:

Relist the item until ebay have told you to do so

Sell under a different ebay user id

Register another ebay account while suspended

My advice if you get a listing removed:

Contact ebay ONCE, dont email them 2,3,4 times, it only slows down the process, email them once and state that you have proof of ownership, or resell, and tell them you can forward them a copy.

My advice if you get suspended:

Again contact eBay ONCE, dont slow down the process, explain why you have been unfairly suspended, back up your case with specific details of why your listings were incorrectly removed, and why you should be reinstated.

I know you will be mad, pissed off even, have a burning pain of anger deep down in your belly!

But NEVER EVER EVER be rude to ebay, you need them more than they need you.

Be polite at all times, if they are talking rubbish, explain why their information is incorrect, dont rant and rave and look like some mad lunatic!

Be cool, calm and collected.

Your listings will be reinstated, your suspension will be lifted, and all will be well in the world of ebay.

Remember these things are sent to try us, and try as they might, they will not stop us selling ebooks on ebay.

So just smile and turn the other cheek to ebay


Sally of sallys-ebooks (recently suspended and re-instated with FULL APOLOGY from EBAY!)

ps. when all is said and done, an apology from ebay is magnificent, print it, frame it, love it !


Read the 5 posts below if you are interested in a complete online coaching program:

Lee McIntyre - Coaching Blog Review (The Journey Begins)

Lee McIntyre - Point and Click Coaching (Too Much Video?)

Lee McIntyre - Coaching Program (Locked Weeks)

Lee McIntyre - First Impressions Review

Why Buy Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching


Anonymous said...

If your Ebay account is no longer suspended as of 12/09/06 then why does your Ebay account still say NOT A REGISTERED USER as of today 12/16/06?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely spot on Sally. I've had a steady stream of removals in recent weeks for ebooks that I have been selling for months. I am now myself under suspension and 130+ listings to the bad.
The annoying and frustrating thing is that eBay will not be specific (despite requests to) as regards why the removal has taken place and trot out all encompassing and ambiguous policies on "help pages" of which we're all aware but don't take us any further re why the removal in that particular case.
The resulting consequence is that we then list another item unknowingly and (assuming there is something wrong with it which I think there generally isn't), eBay then remove it, get pissed off further and ultimately suspend us.
You're right regards having to "grin and bear it" and "tow the line" as eBay (although you're not going to make your fortune on it selling ebooks), is a strong marketing medium that unfortunately can't be ignored.

octisage said...

Sally - This is not the first time I have heard this from a volume seller of ebooks on ebay. Do you think it's worth registering and selling ebooks under more than one ebay id in anticipation of suspension? Or does ebay suspend the PERSON rather than the ebay id (in which case the number of ids you have would be irrelevant)?

Sally Neill said...

Hi Susan

If you receive an ebay suspension you are advised not to use any other ebay accounts.

My friend used one of her other accounts and was permanently suspended, she has still not been re-instated.

Sally :)