Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching Free DVD

Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching Free DVD
Lee McIntyre Free Coaching DVD

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Improve your business courtesy of your competition

Improve your business courtesy of your COMPETITION !

If you sell ebooks, or sell anything whether it be on eBay auctions or from your website you must always keep your competition close to you.

You need to know what they are doing, what new products they are offering, how they deal with customers, how they get sign ups to their mailing list, you need to know exactly how they do business so you can learn from them.

Now remember you only want to learn from them, not copy them, you should always be wary of copying anything online, you may get in a whole heap of trouble !

So exactly how do you penetrate your competition and learn exactly how they run their business?

Simple, you become a customer, sign up to their newsletters, or add them to your favourite sellers on ebay.

By becoming a customer of one of your competitors you will then by privy to any special offers they have, you will see what new products they are offering, you will see how they make the special offers, you will see what they give away for free, you are getting a bird's eye view of how their business operates so that you can learn from them and implement ideas to your own newsletter or website.

If you are on ebay, search for some successful sellers of similar items to yourself, look for the really successful sellers, you will learn the most from them, add them to your favourite seller lists, sign up to their ebay newsletters, and even better, if you can, buy an item from them, and see how they deal with your purchase.

As you all know my main niche is selling ebooks, so when I see a successful ebook seller on ebay, I buy an ebook from them, and watch how they deliver the ebook, how they try to get me to sign up etc etc then I can see if there is anything Im not doing that they are and I implement it to my business process.

For example, when I previously sold an ebook, I sent a polite email along the lines of thanks for your purchase, here is your download link.

But one day I bought an ebook from another ebay seller, and instead of a simple download link, they directed me to a download page, that contained the download link AND some free stuff if I signed up. So I learned an excellent way to increase my sign ups.

I immediately applied this process to my own ebay sales, now I redirect people to a download page for their purchase and I offer them 30 free ebooks if they sign up, ofcourse more people sign up than dont, and my subscriber lists grows daily.

Another example is when I purchased some private label articles for 1p. I was again directed to a download page that contained the download link and a special offer for 12 private label ebooks at a low cost, now im guessing that ebayer makes a tidy little sum from that page all from a 1p sale!

Take a look at any packages you have, maybe you have a lot of ebooks on a particular subject say babies, package them all together into an ebook bundle, then find an item you can list for 1p, say a baby names ebook, then instead of just sending the customer the ebook download link, make a download page, make sure you include the download link to the ebook they have purchased, add a form for them to sign up for free stuff, and add a special offer for the baby bundle ebooks, and hopefully you will get more sign ups and more sales of your new ebook bundle too.

So find some successful sellers, add them to your favourite sellers, or sign up for their newsletter etc etc and start learning from them, improve your own business courtesy of your competition.


Read the 5 posts below if you are interested in a complete online coaching program:

Lee McIntyre - Coaching Blog Review (The Journey Begins)

Lee McIntyre - Point and Click Coaching (Too Much Video?)

Lee McIntyre - Coaching Program (Locked Weeks)

Lee McIntyre - First Impressions Review

Why Buy Lee McIntyre Point and Click Coaching

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